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A-Z of great ideas for the classroom – Alliteration

by Nina Jackson on May 9, 2016

I love alliteration.

Terry Green does a great job in this video.

When I get excited about learning or discovering something new I like to ‘Pocket the Passion!’

Alliteration can bring drama to text or poetry and can create a real buzz for those students who may need an extra little hook into the magical world of writing. It’s the fun and repetitive use of words, and as we know some tongue twisters are a real giggle, especially if you try saying them really quickly.

Alliteration derives from the Latin word ‘Latira’ meaning letters of the alphabet. It’s stylistic use in having the same consonant sound occurring close together or in a series, creates this unique literal device.

Alliteration is used as a clever marketing tool for some companies. Words that are catchy and easy to memorise.

Here are some common alliterations used by global companies:

Dunkin’ Donuts



American Apparel

Can your students think of any more? Or, if they were to create their own company what alliteration might they choose?

Names are easy to remember too if they have alliteration in them. Those such as

Marilyn Monroe

Fred Flintstone

Donald Duck

Mickey Mouse

William Wordsworth

Porky Pig

Spongebob Squarepants

Jesse Jackson

Can you think of any more, because there are plenty.

I find alliteration to be fantastically funny and motivationally magic in a classroom, especially some great tongue twisters or the sharing of some poems. Here are two poems that you may want to use.

The Mess

Bubbly baby Bradley

And Annie’s sister Abby

Made a mess in Mab’s house

And now it’s rather shabby!

Clean it, cleanse it, don’t stand sill

Or you’ll bump heads with her boyfriend Bill

Eat Wisely

Franks and fries, and French fondue

Beans and burgers and biscuits too

Chicken, chili, and cheddar cheese

When I munch too much, I always sneeze!

Poems by Alan Loren

Here are some other great and glorious poems and tongue twisters I have put together for you.

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Here are some other poems you might want to include in your classrooms as well. 

The Mess

Bubbly baby Bradley

And Annie’s sister Abby

Made a mess in Mab’s house

And now it’s rather shabby!

Clean it, cleanse it, don’t stand sill

Or you’ll bump heads with her boyfriend Bill

Eat Wisely

Franks and fries, and French fondue

Beans and burgers and biscuits too

Chicken, chili, and cheddar cheese

When I munch too much, I always sneeze!

Poems by Alan Loren

Here’s a great little video to help you as well. A cool alliteration Rap.

So, if like me you have a love for alliteration and you’d like to send some in to Teach Learn Create we would love to share them in a future blog.

Pocket the passion particularly so with poetic pupils that have punch and pizzazz!

Over and out with super smiles



Nina JacksonA-Z of great ideas for the classroom – Alliteration

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