What matters…when teachers come together in South Wales by Nina Jackson, May 27, 2018 What matters when teachers come together during a working week in South Wales for...
What matters…when learning to cope with stress by Nina Jackson, May 20, 2018 What matters when learning to cope with stress is realising that most people can...
What Matters…for children and young people during the testing and examination season. by Nina Jackson, May 13, 2018 What matters is that ALL children and young people understand that data, tests and...
The voice of a new teacher – guest blog. by Nina Jackson, July 31, 2017 Dafydd Williams @Dafydd3a4 is a newly qualified teacher whom I had the pleasure of...
App-y hour with Notegraphy & Moldiv – ‘If I were a teacher teaching me….’ by Nina Jackson, January 23, 2017 I’ve had another App-y Hour with two great apps that can have impact in...
Where’s the Maths in this and that? by Nina Jackson, January 11, 2017 A short little blog today to get you thinking with visuals. As some of...
App-y Hour with Carl by Nina Jackson, December 27, 2016 It’s been a great little App-y hour today. I’ve recently discovered some new apps...
DigiNinja & DigiPro – an EdTech Collaboration by Nina Jackson, November 27, 2016 Once again I have returned to Cyprus to work in collaboration with DigiPro Computer...
The Being Well Agenda by Nina Jackson, September 10, 2016 A new academic year has begun for us all in our schools and our...
Something from Nothing – #Naked4Ghana by Nina Jackson, September 4, 2016 There was once a very wise old man who told me ‘He who has...