TLC Blog

Helping Hands

by Nina Jackson on January 30, 2016

We all need a helping hand at some point.

For me, talking through my work or an idea along with professional collaboration can often feel as if someone if giving me a helping hand. Whether it’s unravelling a thinking process, guiding me towards an educational research article that may interest me, sharing and talking through the impact of an idea I have given them, or just through my professional work and training, where teachers and parents ask advice and then tell me what they have done or how it has worked. That’s the review process and allowing me to evaluate my own practise and impact. It’s their comments which are my helping hands.

We often forget that our learners need a helping hand not just with academic work or cognitive learning, but through the emotional and social understanding of reaching out to others, whilst thinking about themselves and their impact in supporting fellow learners.

I decided to create one of my #sketchadoodles for a fellow colleague and friend @cjabracher so she could use with her class. She is an outstanding Assistant Headteacher in a Primary School and I wanted to see what impact a visualisation would have on her class. Whether the key messages would ring home with the children?  Results and impact will be posted in a later blog when she collates their thoughts.

Here is the visualisation, and yet another one of my Sketchadoodles using the app Flipink. This is the first time I have moved from my iPad Air 2 and Pencil by 53 and used my new iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil. I doodle because I find it great #mindmedicine. However, sketchadoodling for a learning purpose makes it even more powerful and useful more me. The Apple Pencil is such a fantastic writing tool that it has enhanced the way I can produce really detailed doodles.

Helping Hands

So, in summary, here are the helping hands tips for children in a Primary School. What do your helping hands say about you?

I wonder what your thoughts might be?

Do get in touch, would love to know your thoughts and ideas on the #sketchadoodle. For me, I am going to work hard on my handwriting text and make it clearer, more precise and get the spacing correct. Each doodle gets a little better I think? You may want to check my previous blog on #sketchadoodling here.

I am keen to develop some educational ones, so if you’d like me to give one a go for you, drop me a line.

Right, I’m off to practise my doodling and handwriting using the Apple Pencil.

Over and out for now…..Nina Jackson @musicmind

Nina JacksonHelping Hands

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  • Sue Elson - March 21, 2016 reply

    Although it is now March, I have just read your ‘not just for Christmas’ post. In the frenetic pace of life, both teachers and pupils sometimes lose sight of the truly important holistic things in life. #liftthefog!

    Nina Jackson - March 31, 2016 reply

    Thank you Sue for your kind words. Together, sometimes we can support each other.

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